Organizational Model 231 is an important regulatory tool stemming from Legislative Decree 231/2001, which states that companies can be sanctioned for offenses committed by a range of individuals, including those in representative, administrative and management roles, autonomous organizational units and employees subject to management and supervision.
So, Organizational Model 231 constitutes a comprehensive system of rules, procedures and controls aimed at preventing the commission of crimes within an organization. Its main objective is to mitigate the risks associated with wrongdoing and ensure ethical and responsible business management.
What are the offenses under the decree?
Violations related to occupational health and safety, abuse of public administration, corporate malfeasance, assaults on individual personality, acts with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of democratic order, damage to the environment, acts of cybercrime, market manipulation, and the abuse of confidential information.
The scope of these crimes reflects the complexity and diversity of the challenges that companies may face in their operating environment.
Therefore, compliance with and implementation of the 231 Organizational Model becomes essential to prevent such violations and ensure ethical and law-compliant behavior within the company.
How is the 231 Organizational Model implemented in a company?
In order to implement a 231 Organizational Model in the company, it is essential to follow a process that includes:
- Adoption of Organizational Model 231: This involves drafting a number of key documents, which are derived from a thorough analysis of business processes.
- Implementation of Model 231: Once the document drafting and review phase is completed, it is necessary for the company’s governing body to formally approve the 231 Organizational Model. This step gives official status and legitimacy to the model itself, making it binding on the entire organization.
Therefore, conducting an analysis in the first instance that goes into an effective risk assessment is crucial.
This phase allows potential areas of vulnerability to be identified and measures to be taken to mitigate these risks. Through then implementing specific procedures, the company will be able to proactively manage threats, preventing unlawful behavior and protecting its reputation and interests.
Impact in Companies
The adoption of Organizational Model 231 has numerous benefits for companies. First, it helps ensure legal compliance, reducing the risk of penalties and litigation.
It also promotes a corporate culture of ethics and transparency, enhancing the trust of customers, business partners and investors. Operationally, it promotes the efficient management of business processes, reducing the time and costs associated with resolving problems arising from misconduct.
The example of Lomec: implementation of Organizational Model 231
Lomec, a leading company in its field, recently completed the process of acquiring the 231 Organizational Model.
This important step demonstrates the company’s commitment to safety, ethics and sustainability. Through the implementation of this model, Lomec aims to further improve its business practices, ensuring a safe and environmentally friendly work environment.
In particular, Lomec is aiming to obtain a certification attesting to its commitment to safety and sustainability. This represents another significant step as a benefit company.
The issuance of the first sustainability report, due in June 2024, will be a crucial time to assess Lomec’s progress on its journey toward corporate social responsibility.
Organizational Model 231 is more than just a bureaucratic procedure; it represents a fundamental approach to responsible and sustainable business management.
Adopting this model not only protects companies from legal and reputational risks, but also helps promote a corporate culture based on ethics and integrity. Lomec’s example shows that the implementation of the 231 Organizational Model can be a catalyst for positive change, both inside and outside the company.